True Foods Nutrition

25 Budget Tips for Healthy Living


About Maria from True Foods Nutrition

Maria Allerton is a fully qualified Clinical Nutritionist who runs a busy Health Clinic in Sydney. Maria uses a functional medicine approach to find the real causes of illness. She is a firm believer in the principle of ‘food as medicine’ and focuses on diet, nutrients and lifestyle when addressing the conditions of her patients.

Comments (02)

  1. Maria says:

    Hi Mary,
    Very good point about the slave labour cheap clothes! I guess it’s like buying cheap mass produced food too. I think the clothes swap idea is great, my friends and I actually used to do that years ago, I think something to be resurrected! Especially for kids clothes for sure. Thanks for your comment!

  2. Mary says:

    This is the first article I’ve read on your blog and totally agree with a lot of the points. Also good to hear you de-bunking the myth of superfoods (I am guilty of buying into trends) and your view on how to get the best out of supplements from a nutritionist or naturopath.

    One thing I would disagree with (and completely understand it is out of the remit of your blog) is buying cheap clothes from Kmart/Target etc. Given what we know about sweatshop labour, shopping in those places is the equivalent (I believe) to supporting global poverty. Clothes are expensive, and I appreciate not everyone can afford to pay more, but second hand clothing, op shops, passing onto friends, buying fewer clothes and looking after them would all reduce your budget. Yes, the organic movement is about better health for the individual but it is also about better health for the planet and those who produce our food and I would hope we can extend the same care to those who produce our clothing.

    Thank you for sharing your tips and look forward to reading more.

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