8 week weight loss guided program to release 5 -15kg (10-30 pounds)
A safe and proven way to let go of the unwanted body fat.
by Maria Allerton
Clinical Nutritionist/Functional Medicine Practitioner
*Individual results vary, but if you follow the program and stay on track, it would be extremely difficult NOT to lose this weight.
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Who this weight loss program is for:
Whether you have already struggled with weight loss and fat loss or this is a new issue for you due to hormonal changes like peri/menopause, this program will help if:
- You have excess weight (fat mass) that you would like to release
- Your main ‘problem areas’ are abdomen and thighs
- You’ve tried many diets in the past, and nothing stuck
- You are going through perimenopause or are menopausal and really struggling with excess fat
- You’ve been told you have Insulin resistance or diabetes
- You have chronic health conditions that make it difficult to exercise and lose fat, such as Gilbert’s, MCAS, adrenal fatigue, mental health conditions, thyroid conditions and more
- You want to feel sexy and attractive again and not have to think about your body size all the time
- You often have cravings for sugar, salt or fatty foods that seem to be controlling you
- You may be Leptin resistant– you may have had mould exposure and gained weight as a result
- You have mood fluctuations or unexplained anxiety or ADHD. You may be on anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medication
- You struggle to exercise or feel worse after exercise (high level of inflammation)
- You have gut issues like constipation, loose stools and/or food intolerances
- You have sleep issues and wake up at night, then have trouble going back to sleep
- You’ve been told you have adrenal fatigue and struggle with energy
- You are burnt out, stressed, overwhelmed and no longer feel in control of your food and body
- You feel that unless you eat every couple of hours, you are going to ‘crash’
- You feel sluggish and heavy and would like more energy
- You want to feel confident, happy and proud of your body
- Your excess weight holds you back from doing your favourite sports and activities
This weight loss program is NOT SUITABLE for:
- anyone under 18 years of age
- vegans or vegetarians
- anyone with a history of eating disorders
- anyone on weight loss prescription medications such as Ozempic
“I worked with Maria on the Fast Melt Off Fat Release Program over 8 weeks. In that time, I managed to release 8.5kg. The Zoom check-ins were particularly helpful as they really helped me remain focused and motivated. All of my questions were answered and Maria helped problem solve any obstacles along the way. Some weeks, I only released 500g, and then other weeks, I released over 2kg. I am extremely pleased with my results, as I have attempted other programs with no success. I have an autoimmune condition which can make things slightly more complicated, but with Maria’s support and expertise, I am on my way to regaining my health and confidence back. Thank you, Maria!”
Angela L., Sydney, Australia

The emotional toll of being overweight can be very overwhelming:
- We can feel out of control, powerless and defeated. I certainly felt that way when I tried literally everything to get rid of excess body fat. I was frustrated with my body and its ‘dysfunction’. “After all, I’m an experienced nutritionist, so I should know exactly what to do to get rid of excess body fat!” But knowledge is not enough, and things are not that simple.
- Hormones, toxins (in my case, it was mould), life stressors and illness can all drive weight gain.
- With the right tools and guidance, the body can be taught how to let go of unnecessary fat reserves and re-program itself to a new set point and baseline.
- The tools to know what to do if some weight creeps back in after a holiday or a stressful event to get you back on track fast.

“I had great results on Maria’s program. It only took me 6 weeks to release the 6kg that I wanted to shed. Maria was there all the way for support and encouragement. My personal trainer nearly fell of his chair when he measured my fat stores with a special scanner at the gym!
The program works, and I’m very pleased with the results.”
Nonna V. from Sydney, Australia

Have you tried all types of diets – keto diet, low carb, Paleo, carnivore, etc?
To only regain the weight after stopping the diet?
I certainly have! Most diets fail because the brain (hypothalamus) has a certain ‘set point’ that it has decided you need to be safe (it’s a very primal, survival-based mechanism).
–>>Once you lose body fat on any diet, the brain kicks in and says “hey, that’s not safe, there may be a famine coming, let’s get those fat stores back on!”, so the rebound weight goes back on.
Fast Melt Off is different weight loss program:
The weight loss tools we use in our weight loss program will reset your weight set point for good, so your brain and metabolism will recognise the new weight as the “new normal” and not try to store the lost fat.
In a nutshell (important!):
To participate in the best weight loss program, you will need to commit to:
- Taking specific homeopathic fat loss drops. The drops are essential for the body to tap into your fat stores and start releasing these. The drops reset the hypothalamus in the brain to a new, lower weight set point. They also prevent muscle mass loss, which is very common on standard diets. We want to lose body fat, not muscle!
- Eating no more than 800 calories a day (for women, for men it’s 1000 calories). I know this doesn’t sound like a lot, but trust me: it’s completely do-able (I did many days on less than that as I wasn’t hungry!). When you take the drops, the body is able to tap into your own fat stores (how cool is that!), so you get the rest of the calories from your own stored fat and not food
- This is a low-carb program. I will explain this in detail, but if you feel that you can’t live without bread, pasta, rice, crackers, potatoes, etc- then this is not for you:)
- You will need to commit to your goals. This is probably the most important part- I will help you with this in the coaching Zoom calls, but you need to have a very clear ‘WHY’ and a determination to stick to the program for the entire duration (8 weeks)

What’s included in this weight loss program:
8 Modules with instructional videos and PDFs
All the recipes and meal ideas you need to achieve success
5 x weekly zoom sessions (3 at the start and 2 at the end of the program) guided by me where you can share your experiences, ask questions and clarify anything. This coaching aspect of the program is crucial to achieving fat loss success, especially when you may be having a tough time with motivation and ‘sticking with it’.
- Note: for participants outside of Australia: if you cannot make the scheduled session, you will be able to email me questions and I will answer them live. All zoom sessions will be recorded and added to the program platform
Bonus: the key program tool are the Homeopathic fat loss drops. These drops allow the body to tap into its fat stores for calories and use your body fat for fuel. They re-program the brain to create a new weight set point to stop you from re-gaining unwanted pounds once the program is finished. A 100mL bottle (enough for the program) valued at AUD $165 is included in the program and will be mailed to on signing up
Bonus: Hypnosis based meditation recordings: from Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mindfulness Teacher, Scott Allerton. You can listen to these recordings any time you feel your thoughts are tricking you into cravings or negativity about your weight loss to get you back on track. They make a profound difference to your fat release journey
Optional extra: a weight loss supplement package that can be purchased from my website to help make fat loss easier and help you to feel your best during the program. It includes electrolytes, prebiotics, sulphorophane (concentrated broccoli sprouts) and magnesium. Link in program.

This program is NOT a short term diet or fad diet:
You will finally feel that you can take control of your weight and, most importantly, your fat stores and be able to maintain the optimal weight. Even if in the future you have a bit of a glitch (holidays, Xmas, events, etc- we all have them!) you will have the tools to get yourself back on track quickly and easily, without guilt and shame, in a very conscious way. It will work every time and the feeling that you know EXACTLY what to do to drop fat any time is extremely EMPOWERING and priceless.

“If you are looking for a program that achieves results, then look no further. The results won’t come without commitment, but they will come. Over the last 3 years I gained 15kgs. Within the first 2 weeks of the program, I lost 6 kgs, and by 7 weeks, I had hit my target of 10kg fat loss. I lost 10cm from my hips and almost as much from my waist. I am now 5 weeks post, and thanks to continuing with a healthy balanced diet, I have dropped another 2kg.
I feel better than I have in ages and fit back into all my clothes. I wholeheartedly recommend this program.”
Ann F., Canberra, Australia

Why should I do this program and not just take a drug like Ozempic?
Simple answer: because there are no magic pills for fat loss. Not without side effects and serious impacts on the body.
- Studies have shown that GLP1 drugs (like Ozempic, etc) lead to 2/3 of weight loss being from lean muscle tissue. This is a dangerous and metabolically problematic way to lose weight
- These drugs need to be taken indefinitely in order to maintain weight loss
- Taking a drug takes all the responsibility for healthy eating and lifestyle change away from you and makes you delegate your health to an outside substance
- These drugs have multiple often very serious side effects ranging from permanent damage to the digestive tract to cancer. They are very new to market and no long term studies on them are currently possible
- Losing fat tissue by changing what and how you eat, your relationship to food and your lifestyle is the most effective, long term approach to fat loss and health.
- This program is drug free, achieves long lasting weight release -without side effects
My Weight Gain and Release Journey
Have you done weight loss programs before that were guided by super slim 20-somethings who’ve never actually had to struggle to drop peri-menopausal or post baby weight? Having struggled with excess weight all my life, I know how frustrating letting go of unwanted fat is!
I have been in clinical practice in Sydney, Australia, since 2013 and consult clients worldwide via Zoom. I am a fully qualified Nutritionist (Adv. Dip Nutritional Medicine) and a certified/registered member of ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society). I am trained in all modes of Functional Medicine testing.
Food, cooking and nutrition have always been my passion and my key interest-‘food as medicine’- has been the guiding principle in my personal life and clinic work.
I have always struggled with weight since birth. I was a ‘plumpy’ kid who loved food and seemed always to overeat (cue emotional issues and nutrient deficiencies). Over the years, I have tried ALL dietary approaches and have eaten very well; however, I STILL constantly struggle with excess fat.
The tipping point for me was at 47 years old. I did some routine blood work, which showed very high inflammatory markers (high sensitivity CRP) and very high leptin. Metabolically, my body was struggling with inflammation and leptin resistance. Leptin is our satiety hormone, so this made a lot of sense as I would regularly be very hungry within 1/2 hour of eating a full meal. My leptin started going up after living in 3 different houses in the last decade that all had mould issues. Mold toxins create inflammation in the brain and hormones, making it very hard to regulate metabolism.
I always felt inflamed, even when eating well and exercising, and I had very poor recovery after exercise. I stopped fitting into my clothes, but as a clinical nutritionist, the key issue that made me spring into action was that high inflammation marker.
After completing my Fast Melt Off program for 8 weeks</strong, my inflammation marker is back in optimal range, and my leptin has reduced to normal! I also feel much more stable with my mood, hormones (goodbye all PMS symptoms!) and energy. Mentally, I feel the strongest ever in my life.
I can’t wait to share this fat loss method with you so that you can also feel your best on all levels of health!!

Eszter Nagy
Sydney, Australia
Michelle Duval
Mittagong, NSW
Catherine Tambouras
Malabar, NSW
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:
Is 800 cal a day actually realistic? It’s not much. Am I going to be starving?
You will not feel hungry on this program because the HCG drops allow the body to tap into its fat stores for calories. So technically, you are still having 2,000 calories a day, but 1,200 calories a day is coming from your fat stores. How cool is that!!
What happens after the program is finished, am I going to put the weight back on when I go back to ‘normal’ eating?
Your ‘normal’ was contributing to weight gain, so you will learn new eating habits and tools that will prevent you from stacking the weight back on. You will have a new weight ‘set point’ and will learn how to keep it. There is a stage of the program that helps you come back to an optimal calorie and carb intake that works for you.
Do homeopathic HCG drops actually work?
Yes, they do! In my experience, they work better than prescription HCG injections and achieve faster fat loss. They are also super easy to take. They work amazingly well. The HCG homeopathic drops I provide in this program are of the highest quality, practitioner grade (unlike many on the market, which do not include homeopathic HCG). They are valued at AUD$165 and are included in the price of the program.
Is this going to be super hard? I’m time poor and need to cook for my family too.
This program is honestly the easiest and least time consuming program I’ve ever done. The meals are super easy (don’t even need ‘recipes’) and you can cook the same meal for the whole family and just add some extra carbs and fats for the kids. Everyone will benefit!
I’ve tried many diets before and failed. How is this one any different?
The HCG drops provided in my program are top quality and efficacy homeopathic drops that have the same (actually better!) action than prescription HCG injections and work very well to tap into fat stores. The tools I will teach you in the program can be applied any time in your life, so if you slip up or have a holiday, you will know exactly what to do to get back on track. Most diets fail because people fail to make long term changes based on the diet. This is a key focus of what I will teach you- lifetime tools.
“When I was in my 20s and 30s, I read all those articles about yo-yo dieting and how you put on more weight with each diet failure and then with age, and arrogantly thought “Oh, that will never happen to me”… I’ve tried a HCG regime before, but I couldn’t keep the weight off after I finished. With Maria’s program, I got her full support throughout the process, where I lost just over 11kg, not just a Facebook group and really kept the mindset. So much so that when I finished the round of her program, it was just before going to America for Christmas with my family, and I still lost 800g over the festive period without even particularly trying, just making sure I had movement every day and moderate portions on normal days. I never could have done that before, I would have undone all the good work I did and been depressed on return and not been able to get back on for quite some time.
Now I’m starting the New Year with another round to keep the momentum and lose another 10 hopefully.
So grateful to have Maria in my ring!”
J. L., Sydney, Australia