True Foods Nutrition

Mineral Deficiencies


About Maria from True Foods Nutrition

Maria Allerton is a fully qualified Clinical Nutritionist who runs a busy Health Clinic in Sydney. Maria uses a functional medicine approach to find the real causes of illness. She is a firm believer in the principle of ‘food as medicine’ and focuses on diet, nutrients and lifestyle when addressing the conditions of her patients.

Comments (03)

  1. I am extremely interested in everything I have read on your Facebook page. I am very passionate about nutrition and your approach resonates with me. I am curious as to how you started on your study journey to become a clinical nutritionist. I would love to start my own journey and need some direction. I live in Gympie Qld. Thank you Tracey Gourlay.

    • Maria says:

      Hi Tracey, thanks for your comment. One day I was chatting to a friend who studied nutrition 20 years ago. Whilst we were talking something in my head just clicked – ‘I have to do this for the rest of my life!’. It was an ‘Aha’ moment. Check out the colleges/unis around where you live, a lot of them do part of the course online. I recommend a ‘proper’ uni or college course rather than a quick online qualification if you can dedicate the time to it. You won’t regret it, good luck on your journey!

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