True Foods Nutrition

DUTCH® Complete Hormone Test


About Maria from True Foods Nutrition

Maria Allerton is a fully qualified Clinical Nutritionist who runs a busy Health Clinic in Sydney. Maria uses a functional medicine approach to find the real causes of illness. She is a firm believer in the principle of ‘food as medicine’ and focuses on diet, nutrients and lifestyle when addressing the conditions of her patients.

Comments (14)

  1. Colm Nugent says:

    Hi I’m in Sydney, Australia
    I’m wondering would it be possible to get the Dutch test and follow up analyses from Australia…. Also what is the cost???

  2. Maria Garcia says:

    Hi, I would like to know which specific hormones are tested thank you.

  3. Emma says:


    I’m interested in getting a DUTCH test, can you please tell me what the costs are to get this done?

    Thank you,

  4. Giulia Luisa Cassaniti says:

    Hi there,

    I am looking into doing the Dutch test. Would you please be able to give me some idea on pricing?

    Kind regards,

  5. Yvette Philip says:

    Interested in the Dutch Test. I understand a consult in required. What is the full cost of the consult and test?

  6. bonnie jackson says:

    Just wondering if you sell the DUTCH test by itself?

    Thank You
    bonnie jackson

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