True Foods Nutrition

Kids and Food Cravings


About Maria from True Foods Nutrition

Maria Allerton is a fully qualified Clinical Nutritionist who runs a busy Health Clinic in Sydney. Maria uses a functional medicine approach to find the real causes of illness. She is a firm believer in the principle of ‘food as medicine’ and focuses on diet, nutrients and lifestyle when addressing the conditions of her patients.

Comments (05)

  1. […] Eliminate gluten from the diet. Dr Alessio Fasano has found a molecule called zonulin that opens the tight junctions in our small intestine (the ‘gates’) and allows undigested food proteins into the blood stream, triggering immune response and inflammation. This process occurs in EVERY person. Some people’s immune systems are more reactive, but gluten is best avoided or kept to an absolute minimum. Children with ASD are particularly sensitive to gluten’s toxic effects (read my article on gluteomorpins here). […]

  2. Sara says:

    Feeling abit worried after reading this. My 4 year old is obsessed with feta! Like completely and utterly wants to eat it with every meal! So I googled cheese craving and found your page. Could it be related to some toxicity ? That’s scary. He doesn’t really have any dairy in his diet apart from feta I thought that’s why he loves it and it’s abit salty but maybe I’m wrong. He has, what I thought is a relatively good diet now I’m unsure

  3. Chelsey @ The Heartspace Connect says:

    I was just reading about the exorphins in things like dairy, wheat and sugar and how addictive they are. How crazy is that?! It’s so important to be mindful about what we eat, and our little ones. It can make such a big difference to our health and wellbeing.
    Thanks for sharing this post.

  4. says:

    I have a 3 year old finicky granddaughter who loves to eat butter. She would eat a whole stick if u let her.

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